Friday, June 18, 2010

our first family outing

Yesterday we went for a walk with Taylor to the mall, luckily we only live 10 minutes walk away... it was a bit chilly outside but she stayed asleep for the  whole trip.. I had an emergency bottle in my handbag just incase tho.. it was nice to get out of the house after being on house arrest.. it was the first time I had been out since I was finally discharged from hospital.. Taylor and her Daddy had been out before, she went to family dinner at her grandparents house last Sunday... looks like she slept through that trip also from the photos I have seen :) She has begun  to eat heaps, I think she is having a growth spurt.... feel like I cant keep up with demand and am seriously considering switching to formula.. the only things stopping me are the fact that breastfeeding helps with weight loss and the amount of money that was spent on the medela swing electric breast pump that I have only been using for a little over a week.. oh and that breast milk is cheaper than formula... something to think about :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The wait is over.. and has been for awhile!

 She's here... and has been for two weeks. Taylor Sofia arrived on the 1st of June at 3.36pm by emergency c-section weighing 7lbs exactly. She also had a full head of hair (black) which is just what I wanted and it almost made the heartburn worth it!!..

Unfortunately I developed pre-eclampsia and had to spend what seemed like forever in hospital... I never even had a contraction and now I have a baby, it seems so surreal sometimes..I went for my routine midwife appointment on the 31st and she recommended I go to the hospital to get some blood tests done.. I was admitted straight away and they tried (three times) to induce my labour.. but that never worked, so after 24 hours they decided an emergency c-section might be the best option seeing as I wasn't dialating or contracting! And since my blood pressure was 178/115 and the placenta had stopped doing its job... I had an epidural but I dont think it was strong enough because I could definately feel them messing around with my insides after they had whipped her out... I think I cried through the whole thing and I was to afraid to look at her at first since when they ruptured my membranes there was merconium in the water so I was afraid something would be wrong.. turns out the only issue was her having the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck (same was I came into the world also)... After the birth her dad held her for ages with the proudest smile on his face and now two weeks later he still has the same goofy grin and never seems to want to put her down :)

About 30 mins after she was born my blood pressure and blood test results will still terrible so I had to spend the night alone (except for the midwives) in intensive care... and I kept getting texts from people complaining they had to hear about the birth from my sisters on facebook.. well sorry people but I was really sick.. The next day I got shipped up to the maternity ward and had a constant stream of visitors when all I really wanted was an endless nap.. Taylor is a good sleeper though so i'm not really complaining.. I was actually having to wake her up to have a feed some days!!

Normally after a c-section you would get kicked out of hospital after 3 nights.. I was there for 8!! Pre-eclampsia sucks, I am still on blood pressure medication which makes me sooooo tired... I'm happy I have a good milk supply and can express and have her Dad feed her because I just want to sleep all the time!! I am also happy that my once a day chocolate bar addictiion has subsided after the birth... I think due to all the swelling.. my edema was up to my hips the day I was admitted to hospital... i gained about 30 kgs during pregnancy and I am happy to see the scales still dropping 1kg per day at the moment... which reminds me I want to google to check how quickly the uterus shrinks back, I was watching Kendra and she reckoned hers was still out there when her baby was 4 months old.. but I didnt think that sounded right... I just have a little pouch left that I need to get rid of so that my jeans can do up again.. I can now fit most of my shoes, but I have have edema from mid calf down in both legs so I can;t get my boots on, which sucks considering winter has just hit... I found a pair I want to buy but I need to wait for my swelling to go away before I can try them on! Oh yeah anyways I think I have lost 20kg so far and have 10 to go to get to pre preggo weight, but ideally I would like to lose 15 because prior to pregnancy I also gained a little more... hmmm 

Oh well thats enough typing for today, I think I might just upload some pictures of my beautiful baby, who looks nothing like me, shes super cute like her Dad :)