Saturday, May 29, 2010

Time Flies

Still no baby... I feel cramps and I wonder.. is this it? and then they go away and I am slightly relieved... judging by the pain of some of the cramps I am not looking forward to a drug free labour...

I am getting sick of waiting... to entertain myself I have been watching episodes of Kendra and the Hills on DVD and getting jealous of the drinking and little outfits they get to wear and I start pondering a new wardrobe for myself.. then I check my bank balance and realise thats not going to happen.. this year at least anyways.. So now I have a new hobby.. selling stuff on tradme and making ugly monster toys out of scraps of fabric... Selling stuff always seems like such a good idea but I never make as much money as I expect and then there is the whole waiting for payment and sending chase up emails to people.. couple that with the stress of potentially going into labour at any minute it has been a slightly stressful hobby.. I bet my blood pressure isn't to flash at the moment.

It has been raining for an entire week now I think... it sucks... I had intended to walk everyday leading up to labour but at the moment I dont want to even leave the house.. so on the upside I have been cleaning :) I tidied wardrobes and cupboards and I have packed and repacked my and the baby's hospital bags.. The temperature is dropping and every time I seem to add another woolley item to the baby'a bag. I don't know why I keep calling her 'the baby' as she does have a name.. Taylor Sofia... I am 99% sure that it will stick :) I hope she looks like a Taylor when she gets here.... We have some pretty clear scan pictures, I can't decide if she suits it or not!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Is she here yet?

Finally! I am 38 weeks pregnant… Full term… pity that doesn’t give me a set date as to when mini me will be gracing us with her presence.. I could pop tomorrow, or not for another 4 weeks… I am already getting impatient, I just can’t wait to meet her, but as eager as I am to meet her I am also freaking out.. I don’t know what to do with a baby.. I have never changed a nappy in my life!! Here’s hoping I don’t break her!
I think I am experiencing braxton hicks contractions, I am googling madly to see if thats what they are.. I am thinking  that since my stomach is contracting and pushing bubs down its making itfeel like she is punching my cervix.. I am not looking forward to real contractions!

Had another midwife appointment this week and my blood pressure is higher and I had protein in my pee, so couple those factors with my giant swollen feet/ankles/legs and fingers and face for that matter it looks like I am an ideal candidate to develop preeclampsia.. which is not good.. except that maybe I will need to be induced and be a little bit closer to sleeping on my stomach again!! I am 38 weeks (by LMP) so it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if baby popped out to say hello.. I am expecting her to pop out early anyway, but thats just because I am so impatient and can’t wait to meet her!!

I also have been diagnosed with polyhramnios (excess fluid) and I read that often women with lots of liquid end up bursting sooner rather than later becuase there is just no room in the uterus for baby and all that liquid… despite aquiring these rare pregancy related issues I dont think pregnancy has been that terrible.. althought considering how many babies are born on a daily basis perhaps they arent that rare at all…

I have survived my first week of maternity leave. I haven’t yet managed to spend all the money I have been saving to cover my ‘poor’ weeks, but I could have! I found the most perfect boots at Witchery so watch this space to see if they join my already large shoe collection.. I wanted to try them on but since I had to go out an buy a pair of slip on SIZE 9!!! to last me until the end of my pregnancy and despite having my feet up I still have massive legs, I decided against that idea… Only a few weeks then they will be mine!! Also saw multiple jackets and tops that I wanted but since I have no idea what size I am going to be after lil miss pops out I thought it better not to buy anything.

The reason I was in town instead of lying on the couch watching sky was because my work was throwing me a ‘happy leaving to have a baby’ lunch.. I even got presents.. well baby did! So cute :) and they also gave me a reusable nappy… i’m not sure that I will be using it in the first place for it to get reused but i might run out of disposables one day!!

During this week off I have had plenty of time to watch tv.. there seems to be a million (yes one million) programmes about new mothers. I have seen more ‘births’ this week that I had ever in my life… I am relieved to see how small babies are when they pop out. I had never really had much to do with babies before so I never realised they were so teeny tiny… although according to my last scan at 36 weeks baby is measuring bigger than she should so maybe she won’t be that teeny tiny… will keep you posted tho!

Impatiently waiting

I have no idea what I am going to do to keep myself entertained while I wait (impatiently)… My social life has also dwindled over the past 8 months and I find myself with more and more free time, which I usually spend surfing the net and I am becoming inspired by people’s blogs and found myself thinking “hey, if they can do it, so can I”. I find myself drawn to blogs about crafty ladies and ladies with babies… So that’s what I intend (and I always have the best intentions) to blog  about…. So stay tuned…